Vials of Acids
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Technical Details
Introducing the Vials of Acids, a versatile set of three stackable glass flasks that will immerse you in a realm of mystique and vibrant alchemy. These ingeniously crafted flasks are designed to spark the imagination of all who behold them, making them the ultimate accessory for enthusiasts of the arcane.
Fill each vial with a distinctive hue of potion or acid, creating a captivating display of creativity and ingenuity. Remember to label the contents properly!
The Vials of Acids are crafted from high-quality glass, embodying the vivid and potent essence of their contents. The cork stoppers add authenticity to their charm. Compact, easy to carry, and store, these flasks offer a touch of inventiveness for those who seek to experiment with the art of potion-making and uncover the secrets of the arcane.
Product type:
Potion Bottle