Ucommerce Developer Edition
Falchion - Curved - Iron Fortress
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Falchion - Curved


SKU: Choose variant, Old SKU: Choose variant

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Epic Armoury, Ancient
  • {{ inventory.location.name }}
    In stock: {{ inventory.available }} {{ inventory.availableB2B }}
    Expected to be in stock: Available Soon (Delayed) {{ inventory.incomming.formattedDate}} This product has been planned for production, but currently has no ETA

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  • Description

  • Fitting

  • Technical Details

“Vadim was lying in the sand, overlooking the invaders’ camp, his robes blending with the area around him. The invaders reeked of blood, sweat, and metal - they must not have bathed in weeks. Vadim drew his falchion slowly, not wanting to relinquish his position, and used the polished blade to signal his allies behind him. As silently as a shadow on a moonless night, they fanned out and readied for the attack.”

Epic Armoury's Falchion is inspired by the slim and curved blades used during the Middle Ages. They were often popularised as Middle Eastern, though historical evidence shows them much rarer than depicted. Unlike other cruder, single-edged weapons of the time, the falchion was often the work of a master craftsman. The falchion's grip is made from polyurethane in the shape of a leather hilt, with a bronze crossguard and gold bands around the hilt. This secures grip, appearance, and comfort, while the durable foam and latex ensure the blade is safe to use.

Fitting guide


Epic Armoury




Polyurethane foam, EVA Foam, Latex

Product type:


Product type:

Curved, Hybrid